Indirect Tax Digest - March 2025
The US Indirect Tax Digest highlights significant sales and use tax legislative enactments, regulatory adoptions, judicial decisions, and administrative guidance.
March 2025
The New York State Tax Appeals Tribunal on February 20 reversed, in part, an administrative law judge determination and required a taxpayer to source brokerage commissions, gross income from principal transactions, and management fees to the location of institutional intermediaries (i.e., pension funds, hedge funds, mutual funds, and other similar financial intermediaries) and not to the underlying investors.
Because the taxpayer has four months to appeal the Tribunal’s decision it is not currently binding law. While the case deals with the New York State corporate tax law in effect for pre-2015 years, the broker-dealer customer sourcing statute is substantially similar for New York State and City corporate tax purposes for years starting in or after 2015 (however, the rules for sourcing gains from principal transactions changed, and the post-2015 statute provides that broker-dealers should source 8% of certain qualifying receipts where customer location cannot be determined). The pre-2015 New York State corporate broker-dealer sourcing statute is also substantially similar to the current New York City (NYC) unincorporated business tax (UBT) statute’s broker-dealer sourcing rule. Therefore, the outcome of this case may impact other broker-dealer taxpayers subject to the corporate tax or the NYC UBT.
Similarly situated broker-dealer taxpayers, whether subject to the corporate tax or the NYC UBT, should review their current methods for sourcing receipts to analyze the potential impact of this decision.
[In the matter of Petitions of Jefferies Group LLC & Subsidiaries, Tax Appeals Tribunal Nos. 829218, 829219, 2/20/2025]
Taxpayer is the parent of a group of corporations that filed a combined New York tax return. The combined group operates as an investment bank and securities firm. Two subsidiaries are registered broker-dealers and are based in New York. These subsidiaries derive commissions from executing brokerage transactions in equity securities at the direction of domestic and international institutional intermediaries such as registered investment advisors, pension funds, hedge funds, mutual funds, registered securities brokers or dealers, and similar financial intermediaries and collective investment vehicles. The New York Tax Law requires that brokerage commissions and other prescribed revenues earned by registered securities broker-dealers be sourced based on the mailing addresses in its books and records of the “customers responsible for paying” those amounts.
On a series of amended New York returns, the taxpayer reduced its receipts factor by claiming that its brokerage commissions and gross income from principal transactions should be sourced based on the location of the underlying investors of the institutional intermediaries and not on the location of the intermediaries themselves. The taxpayer sourced its receipts from margin interest, management fees, and clearing fees in the same manner, i.e., to the underlying investors. When a transaction was conducted through an intermediary, the taxpayer applied a reasonable approximation of the location of the underlying investor, unless the location of the investors was clearly in or out of the state based on its records.
The taxpayer asserted that distortion would result if the receipts were sourced to the location of the intermediaries. The division rejected the position of the taxpayer and determined that the taxpayer’s brokerage commissions, principal transactions, margin interest, clearing fees, and management fees should be sourced to New York based on the locations of the institutional intermediaries, which were the mailing addresses listed in the taxpayer’s books and records.
The taxpayer also made a cash election to treat (1) the cash collateral that is used in connection with its securities lending transactions, including interest rate swap transactions and other cash on hand or on deposit, as investment capital, and (2) the resulting income as investment income (deductible from business income). Additionally, for each of the tax years 2003 through 2007, the taxpayer claimed the investment tax credit (ITC) for its purchases of tangible personal property, including leasehold improvements, used by its investment banking, prime brokerage, and research departments at its offices located in New York City. The division disallowed the cash election, as well as a substantial portion of its claimed (1) ITC for property purchased and used by the broker-dealer’s investment banking, prime brokerage, and research departments located in New York City and (2) the related employee investment credit (EIC). The taxpayer appealed.
With respect to the sourcing issue, a New York administrative law judge (ALJ) noted that the division properly applied the tax law in sourcing the taxpayer’s broker-dealer receipts according to the mailing addresses of the institutional intermediaries. The ALJ stated that although the facts indicate the underlying investors of the institutional intermediaries are the customers responsible for paying the taxpayer, the New York State broker-dealer sourcing provisions do not allow for look-through sourcing or sourcing based on an approximation of the location of underlying investors. However, based on expert testimony and facts presented at trial, the ALJ reversed the division and directed the division to exercise its discretionary authority to adjust a taxpayer’s sourcing of receipts and to use a census-based formula to source those receipts because the statutory formula yielded a distorted and unconstitutional result.
The ALJ also rejected the division’s disallowance of the taxpayer’s (1) election to treat cash collateral as investment capital and (2) claimed investment tax credit and employee investment credit related to various property used by a broker-dealer operating in New York City relating to the purchase or sale of securities.
In determining whether the brokerage commissions, gross income from principal transactions, and management fees should be sourced based on the location of the underlying investors of the institutional intermediaries or to the location of the intermediaries themselves, the Tax Appeals Tribunal (tribunal) concluded that the receipts should be sourced to the location of the intermediaries and not on a look-through basis to the location of the underlying investors.
The tribunal’s analysis centered on the interpretation and application of New York Tax Law former Section 210 (3)(a)(9). First, the tribunal emphasized the customer-based sourcing rules outlined in the statute, which dictate that certain categories of receipts, such as brokerage commissions, management fees, margin interest, and gross income from principal transactions, should be sourced based on the mailing addresses of the customers responsible for payment, as recorded in the taxpayer's records. The tribunal noted that the main issue is to determine who is “the customer responsible for paying” the taxpayer. The tribunal referenced a definition in a federal rule intended to implement a section of the USA PATRIOT Act that was adopted by the Department of Treasury and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which does not require a broker-dealer to look through an intermediary to the underlying beneficial owners but defined a “customer” generally as “a person that opens a new account.” Based on this federal definition, the tribunal disagreed with the taxpayer that its customers were the underlying investors.
The tribunal determined that the division's method of sourcing receipts to the locations of the institutional intermediaries was not distortive and did not warrant the use of discretionary authority. The taxpayer presented expert witness testimony to show that the division’s method of sourcing the receipts based on intermediary location grossly overstated the taxpayer’s sales factor. The tribunal disagreed with the taxpayer’s expert’s recommendation to use U.S. Census data and held that a look-through methodology was not permitted for purposes of the broker-dealer sourcing statute.
Additionally, the tribunal addressed the taxpayer’s constitutional challenge, asserting that the division's method of sourcing receipts did not violate the Commerce Clause or the Due Process Clause of the US Constitution. Unlike the ALJ, the tribunal found no unconstitutional distortion in sourcing receipts to the taxpayer's branch or office that generated the transactions.
With respect to the taxpayer's election to treat the net income from its cash collateral used in securities borrowing and securities lending transactions, interest rate swap transactions, and certain cash on deposit as investment capital, the tribunal agreed with the ALJ’s finding that the division’s denial of the election was improper.
Finally, with regards to the taxpayer’s claimed investment tax credits and employment incentive credits, the division cited a G-Notice that detailed analysis related to another taxpayer, which stated that the electronic trading business unit's activities did not meet the criteria for ITC eligibility. However, the tribunal concluded that the disallowance was deemed improper, as it contradicted the plain language of the relevant tax law.
The US Indirect Tax Digest highlights significant sales and use tax legislative enactments, regulatory adoptions, judicial decisions, and administrative guidance.
NY State Tax Appeals Tribunal holds certain income must be sourced to the location of institutional intermediaries not to the underlying investors.
The Treasury Department and the IRS issued final regulations addressing Related-Party Basis Adjustment Disclosure obligations on January 14, 2025.
Trump's policies and executive orders expand tariffs on products and countries that impact the Automotive and Aerospace industry.