The OECD’s Pillar Two is here - many jurisdictions have locally enacted legislation that became effective on January 1, 2024. Pillar Two generally applies to multinational companies (MNCs) with revenue of at least EUR €750M, and while the global legislative process and further OECD guidance will continue to evolve, it requires MNCs to evaluate their potential global minimum tax expense under Pillar Two through a data intensive calculation process. This presents a significant operational challenge that may result in both cash and book tax expense increases for some companies. Additionally, readiness for the increased tax compliance complexity is top of mind for many companies, and proper preparation can ease the burden.
Act now! The FASB and IASB have spoken - Pillar Two must be accounted for on a period-cost basis under US GAAP and IFRS principles, which means that calendar-year companies exposed to Pillar Two are required to estimate and disclose any Pillar Two top-up tax obligations for interim and annual reporting periods beginning in 2024 Q1 for US GAAP or 2024 interim IFRS financial statements. Additional disclosures may be required for local Statutory reporting purposes in 2024 as well. It’s time to align with your financial statement auditor and lay the foundation for data, technology, and process changes in response to Pillar Two.
Time is ticking!
Below are key steps we recommend companies take immediately to be prepared for necessary Pillar Two estimates and related disclosures in 2024, and to lay the groundwork for meeting compliance obligations:
3. Scope material jurisdictions for full GloBE computation
Once you have completed these items, you should be in a better position to understand the Pillar Two impact at a jurisdictional level, and will have laid the foundation for any remediation efforts or process changes to implement for interim and annual financial reporting and ultimately compliance.
If you haven’t already, establish your processes and calculations that will fulfill Pillar Two requirements in the coming years. Taking the following actions should put you on a strong footing:
Discuss these action items with your financial statement auditor before year-end, or during interim periods as relevant, to ensure alignment. Get their input on the operational, data, system, process, and computational frameworks you've established. Your plan will evolve, but starting strong is crucial for managing the workload of Pillar Two in 2024. Stay ahead of the game and set yourself up for success!