Cross-border Tax Talks

November 08, 2022

Transfer Pricing: A macroeconomic view

Doug McHoney, PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader, welcomes Horacio Pena, Tax Principal, Senior Economist and PwC’s Global Transfer Pricing Network Leader, to the podcast. Doug and Horacio provide the macroview of the transfer pricing environment, covering global inflation, China’s COVID restrictions, environmental volatility, the dollar’s strengthening against other currencies, regionalization, a brief touch on Pillar Two, country-by-country reporting, and more.


  • 2:30 - What market forces are driving change in the world of transfer pricing?
  • 9:00 - Despite all the economic headwinds that multinationals are having to deal with, how are companies adapting and where is their current focus?
  • 10:45 - Why do macroeconomics and business strategy impact transfer pricing so strongly?
  • 16:15 - How often should multinationals reassess their transfer pricing?
  • 18:30 - How will some jurisdictions change their incentives in the wake of Pillar Two?
  • 20:10 - What trends are you seeing in the TP controversy environment; how are taxpayers approaching defense?
  • 22:30 - What has been the impact of implementing country-by-country reporting?
  • 24:15 - How has technology changed modern-day transfer pricing?
  • 28:30 - What should taxpayers think about as they go through a business transformation?

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Doug McHoney

Principal, Quantitative Solutions and Technology, International Tax Services Global Leader, PwC US


Horacio Peña

US and Americas Transfer Pricing Leader, New York, PwC US


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Doug McHoney

Doug McHoney

Principal, Quantitative Solutions and Technology, International Tax Services Global Leader, PwC US

Geoff Jacobi

Geoff Jacobi

ITS, Knowledge Management Managing Director, PwC US

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