Our Program
The Professional Development Programs that Pacheco, Apostólico y Asociados member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers, offers to its staff of professionals is directed towards the following fields:
- Management training
Technical and methodological training requires specialization and updating for each line of service. Each LoS designs global and local technical training plans needed by its professionals to increase their potential.
- Specialized training
Focusing on the Firm’s market, specialized training activities are established in accordance with expertise level to allow development and transfer of sector-specific knowledge across our LoS.
- Management skills and knowledge training
The purpose of this training is to provide professionals with a schedule of activities intended for attainment of personal and management skills that broaden their business view.
- International training
At an international level, PricewaterhouseCoopers requires that our professionals in Venezuela participate in training courses for specific areas according to their specialization.
- Language Training
We offer professionals wishing to enroll in English lessons and participate in global exchange programs a wide variety of financial aids.
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