Organizations are aware that an external audit is not limited to the review of the financial statements of their businesses and that not all independent accounting firms offer the same range of services.
Pacheco, Apostólico y Asociados, efficiently services small, medium and large businesses, and our fees are proportionate to the benefit received from these services.
An audit performed by Pacheco, Apostólico y Asociados, is supported by our thorough knowledge of the industry in which the client operates and by our broad experience and network of global experts.
The objective of a financial audit performed byPacheco, Apostólico y Asociados, goes beyond the review of financial statements.
Our audit opinion keeps the Board of Directors, management, shareholders and stakeholders informed of the company’s equity and financial position, as well as its operations and organizational structure for better control and safekeeping of assets.
As part of our services, we continuously communicate with upper management to timely identify matters that might affect the company’s financial position or control over its operations.
We also provide our experience to address problems and deviations identified within our traditional framework of confidentiality.