
Can you keep up with Georgia’s evolving tax system?

Like you, Georgia is ambitious. To meet these ambitions Georgia has carried out many political and economic reforms over the past years and this trend continues. At PwC we are here to guide you through the evolving tax and legal landscape. We will help you manage your tax obligations and reduce your tax risks, thereby supporting you to achieve your business goals.

How we help you manage tax

We provide effective, innovative and practical tax advice tailored to your specific business needs, whether simple or more complex. Using our knowledge of Georgian tax legislation and its relationship with international laws and treaties we are able to solve your problems and bring you certainty. We can also help you with the everyday tasks of complying with tax law, cost effectively preparing your annual and monthly tax returns.

Who we are

Like you, Georgia is ambitious. To meet these ambitions Georgia has carried out many political and economic reforms over the past years and this trend continues. At PwC we are here to guide you through the evolving tax and legal landscape. We will help you manage your tax obligations and reduce your tax risks, thereby supporting you to achieve your business goals.

Tax Services

Achieving your tax objectives in today's ever-evolving global landscape requires experience and foresight. Make the best decisions to strategically move your business forward with confidence.


Indirect taxes (VAT, Customs & Excise)

With the increased globalisation, the expansion of international business transactions and the regional popularity for VAT and other indirect taxes, it is becoming more critical than ever to manage indirect taxes in order to optimise cash flow and reduce risk.

PwC has a dedicated team of indirect tax specialists to assist businesses both regionally and globally improve their process and margin through a range of innovative solutions.

What we do:

  • Perform industry focused business reviews to ensure that companies minimise their indirect taxes risk and exposure
  • Assist in structuring business transactions, including cross border transactions, in a VAT cost effective way
  • Develop solutions for a more effective supply chain when acquiring a new business or setting up a business/changing an existing business model
  • Work with authorities in handling customs and other indirect tax disputes
  • Indirect taxes training to help keep up with legislative changes throughout the region
  • Indirect taxes compliance services and global coordination
  • Assistance with VAT implementation readiness to help businesses manage change throughout the organization
  • Customs: market entry, dealing with customs authorities, business change impact assessment and other services.


Contact us

Sergi Kobakhidze

Sergi Kobakhidze

Partner, PwC Georgia

Tel: +995 32 250 80 50

George Chanturidze

George Chanturidze

Senior Manager, Tax Services, PwC Georgia

Tel: +995 32 250 80 50

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