Our distinctions

Two awards for PwC Greece at the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards

We received Gold in the category 'Entrepreneurship Enhancement' for supporting social entrepreneurs, and Silver in the category 'Cause Advocacy' for our support to MDA Hellas and the Finish Liners initiative. The awards ceremony took place on Thursday 15 February 2018 and was organised by Boussias Communications. 

It is a great honour to not only be recognised but awarded for our CR initiatives, which aim to demonstrate that we put others and their needs before our own, by supporting NGOs and social enterprises and their respective causes. 

Download our Press Release for more about our participation and our awards.

Bravo Market Award 2017 for entrepreneurship support

For our support to young entrepreneurs, we had the honour of receiving the Bravo Market Award 2017. This award concerns the development of cause–related and social marketing and was presented during the Bravo Awards Ceremony in Athens Concert Hall (Megaro Mousikis) in May 2017.

View here our participation in a nutshell

Download the press release and find out more about our participation and the award

Gold Award for blood donation programme co-organised with Bloode 

PwC Greece received a Gold Award for blood donation programme co-organised with the social startup Bloode during the Responsible Business Awards 2016 ceremony, organised by Boussias Communications, on October 18, 2016. Bloode is the first online platform to promote and systematise the process of donating blood in Greece. This cooperation is part of PwC's Corporate Responsibility programme which focusses on supporting young entrepreneurs and collaborate with social startups in an initiative for the common good. 

Global CR practice

Our programme to support young entrepreneurs and social startups in Greece has been picked by PwC's global CR network to be part of the world-wide CR practices presented at the PwC's Global Annual Review 2016 and PwC's global CR website.  

Contact us

Vivian Ino Tsamadou

Senior Manager, PwC Greece

Tel: +30 210 6874613

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