She is a deal-maker

Beini Guo: Deals Director, PwC New Zealand

Beini Guo
  • March 07, 2023

Beini Guo has a master’s in Finance and Economics and continues to grow her passion for leading the day-to-day complexities of M&A transaction processes and providing sound advice to clients. She is also a board member of Waiheke Resources Trust.​



Why did you pursue a career in Deals?

It is rewarding to achieve the best possible outcome for clients and help them to crystalise the tears and efforts they put into the business. ​

Tell us about your role, what does it involve?

I have continued to grow the passion for leading the day-to-day complexities of M&A transaction processes and providing sound advice to clients.​

What is it about the role you enjoy the most?

Every day at work is different. We are working with various companies across different sectors. As a deal maker, we need to understand both the relevant sector key trends and unique market position for the client. ​

What is the best piece of advice you have been given about developing your career?

Do something you love and work hard to be more determined, responsible and confident. ​

What do you attribute your success to?

Never stop seeking opportunities to learn by being open to all experiences the job has to offer.​

What has been the highlight of your career in Deals with PwC?

Meeting intelligent people and cheering their career success either within PwC or outside of work. ​

What is the best thing about working in a profession traditionally dominated by men?

Become an empowered woman to empower more women coming through the ranks.​


Click to view Beini Guo on LinkedIn


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Helen Sullivan

Helen Sullivan

Director, Global Programme Director for Edge, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 02890 245454