Our research shows that 57% of Divestitures underperform their industry benchmark 24 months after complete. What makes the difference is experience doing divestments and a playbook to avoid value destruction. Engaging more with the management team and optimising the assets from a tax and legal perspective. We know this because we do this every day. Working with us enables you to focus on RemainCo, while we focus on a clean separation.
Knowing what to carve out, when it should be spun off or maybe sold completely, our strategy specialists help you make a data-driven decision. Proprietary methodology aims to identify obstacles to a successful divestiture.
It seems like a simple idea, whatever the asset size, industry, or sector, there’s no substitute for an evolving 360-degree view before closing the deal. Our deal experts can work with you to develop a value creation plan from the start of your deal that will help you proceed with confidence, establish a strong foundation, and help grow sustainable value.