Circular Economy

If you knew that your business was forfeiting profits every day, wouldn't you try to do something about it? Every time one of your products is thrown away, valuable resources are wasted, too. Those who are CE savvy can recapture some of these resources. Not just the business, but the organisation as a whole can profit from a circular business model.

The linear economic model, which still dominates the industry today, is designed to use resources once and then discard them. However, in recent years there has been a growing recognition that the global demand for resources exceeds what the Earth itself can supply. The concept of sustainability and the principle of circularity will become increasingly relevant going forward. This trend is being fuelled by regulatory developments. 

Circularity boosts profitability

The benefits of the circular economy are brought most to bear when companies develop a holistic concept and integrate it into their corporate strategy. The big challenge for most companies lies in the fact that transitioning to a circular economy often means transforming their existing business model. The transition to a circular business model generally begins with developing a robust and comprehensive strategy. 

This is based on three principles: 

  • Optimising the use of renewable resources: renewable resources are prioritized in procurement and production.
  • Maximising product usage: changing the business models to offer products as a service, thus extending their life cycle.
  • Leveraging by-products and waste: reusing, reprocessing or recycling materials allows value to be recaptured that would otherwise be lost. 

Our services

Our sustainability experts have devised a method to help companies develop and implement CE solutions – from developing a strategy to transforming the business model to reporting. 


  • Integrating the CE strategy into the corporate and sustainability strategy
  • Assessing the starting point
  • CE benchmarking
  • CE readiness assessment
  • CE-driven M&A 


  • Defining circular products and services
  • Setting up a circular innovation process
  • Organisational design and implementation
  • Embedding circular economy ideas across the entire value chain
  • Managing tax and legal implications 

Reporting & assurance

  • Developing KPIs for CE steering
  • Support with establishing the necessary processes
  • Integrating CE systems into sustainability reporting

Contact us

Anita Hatta

Anita Hatta

Partner | ESG Assurance Services, PwC Hungary

Dr. Barbara Koncz

Dr. Barbara Koncz

Partner | Sustainable tax and subsidies, PwC Hungary

Gábor Kovács

Gábor Kovács

Senior Manager | ESG, PwC Hungary

Rita Szalay

Rita Szalay

Senior Manager | ESG, PwC Hungary

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