Executive Search and Selection

Identifying and retaining the right people is a challenge faced by all organisations. With the rapidly changing business environment that presents both new challenges and opportunities, organisations need to develop tailored and targeted recruitment strategies in order to maximise efficiency and effectiveness.

Executive Search is an integral part of the services we offer at PwC and utilises a rigorous executive recruitment and selection process, leveraging modern tools and techniques, that will facilitate proper evaluation and informed decision-making.

We have extensive experience in leading successful executive recruitment and assessment assignments in various industries and sectors including Education, Financial Services and Banking, Insurance, Energy, Transportation, Manufacturing, Healthcare, and the Public Sector in Jamaica as well as for other companies within the Caribbean Region. 

Why PwC?

  • We offer the depth and breadth of industry and functional recruitment experience that you are seeking.
  • We have the capability to recruit almost anywhere in the world.
  • We have a reputation for recruitment success, using local knowledge and international contacts.
  • We offer professional and credible recruitment selection procedures and have the flexibility to build a process tailored to your business needs.

PwC’s executive search and selection services focus on two (2) main areas

Identifying Suitable Candidates

Support effective sourcing and pre-screening activities through:

Advertising: We can support you with drafting a targeted and relevant advertisement as well as advising on the most appropriate placement, content layout and response requirements.

Headhunting: Our extensive experience with executive recruitment has allowed us to develop a unique network of contacts using the PwC network and other resources across industries and territories. 

Pre-screening: Our interview process facilitates flexible scheduling, as well as the ability to share candidate responses and evaluations before committing your time and resources to face-to-face meetings.

Evaluating Candidates

  • Competency-based interviews – we utilise a cross-functional team of local/regional professionals, with skills in Leadership, Talent Management, and relevant technical skills for the role being recruited to develop and conduct candidates interviews
  • Psychometric Assessments – Our Psychometric Assessment  process is based on the Head, Heart and Hands Model which operates on the premise that, when the individual is assessed his/her cognition (Head), personality/emotional intelligence (Heart) and relevant skills (Hands) are taken into consideration when assessing for selection, development, leadership development, succession planning, cultural fit, career management and team dynamics.

We provide a broad range of assessment tools premised on this holistic approach to assessing an individual, to produce the most reliable results and promote better fit, both in terms of readiness to perform and on-the-job retention. Using the Head, Heart and Hands Model’s deep and rigorous testing across these areas also provides information about educational needs, career direction, readiness and other development requirements.  We also offer a battery of gamified testing, virtual reality, and augmented reality options to assess individuals and allow them to demonstrate a range of abilities in a realistic and relevant virtual environment.

  • Analysis Exercises - Business Simulation (in-basket/in-tray, role plays, case studies) - we offer analysis exercises which accurately predict how well the candidate will perform in their role by assessing the exact competencies that are required for success in that role.  Our analysis exercises have proven successful in diagnosing individuals’ strengths and areas for development, in relation to a set of predetermined competencies, thus providing a realistic view of participants’ capabilities. Some examples of analysis exercises that can be considered include:
    • In-Basket/In-Tray: This assessment activity is widely used by employers to measure a candidates’ suitability for the job.  It is a business simulation where candidate’s assume the role of a member of staff who has to deal with the workload of a typical day.
    • Role Plays: An assessment activity in which candidates act out an imaginary scenario that closely mirrors a situation that could occur in the job they have applied for.
    • Case Studies: This exercise presents a realistic simulation of a business or strategic problem likely to be encountered in the role.  Typical competencies assessed in the case study are Analytical Thinking, Assimilation of Information, Commercial Awareness, Innovation, Organising, Decisiveness, Judgement
  • Background & Reference checks – We focus on confirming / verifying specific information including but not limited to employment history, educational qualifications, and performance & personality characteristics that may warrant further investigation. More rigorous investigations into financial holdings, or other malfeasances can be conducted.
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Margaret Rose

Margaret Rose

Senior Manager, Executive Selection Services, PwC Jamaica
