Impact Report ―The world as envisioned by the PwC Foundation―

This Report aims to help a broader audience understand how we create impact by visualising the world as envisioned by the PwC Foundation and the path toward its realisation.

The PwC Foundation aspires to shape the world with a sustainable ecosystem for organisations that share the same aspirations to impact society. It is an ideal world where technologies capable of driving major innovation are harnessed, revolutionary solutions are successively applied to social problems and social ventures (SVs) leading these movements emerge globally.

To realise such a world, the PwC Foundation independently identifies social problems that need addressing and invites SVs to propose solutions within the Foundation’s chosen focus areas. In so doing, we wish to connect with organisations that share our aspirations, applying the know-how of programme officers who consistently support each grant programme and the secretariat, while implementing the PwC Foundation’s proven methods in society.

This Report uses the Theory of Change (ToC) to illustrate the world as envisioned by the PwC Foundation and the path toward its realisation. While this is the current ToC, we hope to add breadth to its scope through discussions and ensure our activities remain aligned with it as we seek to realise the world we aspire to shape.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Programme overview
  3. What makes the PwC Foundation unique
  4. The world as envisioned by the PwC Foundation: Theory of Change
  5. Roundtable dialogue with directors and selection committee members
  6. In conclusion

PwC Foundation's Theory of Change(ToC)

Impact Report ―The world as envisioned by the PwC Foundation―