OSR potential of county governments as a strategic imperative for sustainable development

Enhancing Own Source Revenue (OSR) potential

  • Blog
  • 4 minute read
  • November 27, 2024


The ability of county governments to generate revenue from local sources, commonly known as Own Source Revenue (OSR), is a critical factor in the sustainable development and fiscal autonomy of decentralized governments. In Kenya, the transition to devolved governance following the 2010 Constitution has placed significant emphasis on empowering counties to meet local service delivery demands effectively. Despite efforts to enhance financial management, many counties still struggle to tap into their OSR potential. This article examines the importance of enhancing OSR for county governments in Kenya, explores the challenges they face, and suggests strategic interventions for improvement.

Two people doing grocery shopping.

The role of Own Source Revenue in county governments

Own-source revenue refers to the income that county governments generate independently, typically through local taxes, fees, fines, and service charges. According to Kenya's Constitution (2010), counties are responsible for generating revenue through property taxes, entertainment taxes, and charges for services provided, among other sources (Republic of Kenya, 2010). These funds complement intergovernmental transfers and external grants, providing counties with the flexibility to fund development projects and improve service delivery. However, the current contribution of OSR to the total county revenue remains low, averaging around 13% of the total budgetary allocations (Commission on Revenue Allocation [CRA], 2022).

For county governments in Kenya, enhancing OSR is crucial for several reasons:

Challenges facing Own Source Revenue collection

Despite its importance, counties in Kenya have faced significant challenges in enhancing OSR collection. The average OSR collection stands at only 20% of the total county revenues, indicating untapped potential. The major challenges include:

Woman completing an invoice.

Strategies for enhancing own source revenue potential

To unlock the full revenue potential of county governments, targeted interventions are necessary. Some strategies that can be adopted include:


Strengthening the OSR potential of county governments is essential for Kenya’s fiscal decentralization to achieve its intended goals of equity, inclusivity, and sustainable development. The Council of Governors (CoG), in collaboration with the National Treasury and development partners, can play a pivotal role in supporting counties to enhance their revenue collection capabilities. By addressing existing challenges, embracing innovative revenue strategies, and fostering a culture of public participation, counties can improve their fiscal autonomy and capacity to deliver services effectively.


Enhancing Own Source Revenue is not only about boosting county finances but also about building stronger, more accountable local governments that can drive sustainable development from the grassroots. With counties generating only a fraction of their revenue potential, there is a pressing need to reform existing revenue administration practices, explore new revenue sources, and invest in capacity building. Doing so will empower county governments to better serve their communities, reduce fiscal dependence on the national government, and achieve the broader objectives of devolution.


1. Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA), "County Revenue Collection Trends," 2023.

2. National Treasury of Kenya, "Budget Policy Statement 2023/24," 2023.

3. Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), "Challenges and Opportunities in Enhancing Own Source Revenue for County Governments in Kenya," 2022.

4. Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), "Economic Survey," 2023.

5. Council of Governors, "Best Practices in Own Source Revenue Collection among County Governments," 2021.

6. Commission on Revenue Allocation [CRA]. (2022). Annual report on county governments' revenue and expenditure. Nairobi, Kenya: CRA.

7. Council of Governors. (2023). The status of county governments’ finances and recommendations for improvement. Nairobi, Kenya: Council of Governors.

8. Republic of Kenya. (2010). The Constitution of Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya: Government Printer.

9. Shah, A. (2021). Public sector governance and accountability series: Intergovernmental fiscal transfers. Washington, DC: World Bank.

10. World Bank. (2021). Improving own source revenue mobilization in Kenyan counties: A policy paper. Washington, DC: World Bank

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Victor Simba

Victor Simba

Manager, PwC Kenya

Tel: +254 (20) 285 5000