28th CEO Survey North Macedonia

We’re excited to launch our 28th edition of PwC’s Annual Global CEO Survey with key findings for North Macedonia.

This comprehensive report not only explores the two megatrends that will shape the future of business and society: artificial intelligence (AI) and climate change, but also emphasizes economic expectations.

Here are the Key Highlights:

  • 69% of local CEOs expect economic growth in North Macedonia.
  • In terms of short-term threats, inflation and the lack of skilled workforce remain major concerns for CEOs in Macedonia.
  • Nearly half of the CEOs in Macedonia plan to integrate AI into their technological platforms within the next three years.


Learn more in the latest report, available in Macedonian and English.

Contact us

Miroslav Marchev

Miroslav Marchev

Country Managing Partner, PwC North Macedonia

Tel: +389 2 3140 900

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