Conflict can be damaging. If you do not handle it effectively, it can quickly turn into personal dislike, teamwork can break down, and talent may be wasted as people disengage from their work and leave. The fact that conflict exists, however, is not necessarily a bad thing. When you resolve it effectively, you can also eliminate many of the hidden problems that it brought to the surface.
Conflict and confrontations can be a major source of distress. Outcome can affect our workload, relationship, and control over resources and alter our brain.
After completing the course, you will:
Have a better understanding of your natural response to conflict and the benefits of flexing it
Learn and appreciate the Motivational Value System in others and in yourself
Raise your awareness in using your strengths and preferences in a balanced doses to manage conflict situations
Enhance your understanding of human behaviour and its effect on others
Recognise conflict sequence in others and in yourself