PwC Legal provides a broad range of legal services in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Mongolia and Uzbekistan, which are complementary to our Assurance, Advisory and Tax practices. Below we outline significant legislative changes for February in these countries.
- Kazakhstan ratified protocols amending the Treaty on common principles and rules for circulation of medical devices within the EAEU
- New Law on targeted financial sanctions came into force on 1 February 2023
- Law on Activity of Micro Banks
- Law on Public Procurement
- Amendments to the Law on Organizing Lotteries, Games of Chance and Other Prize Games
- The Government approved the Rule of the Cyber Security Committee and Operating procedures of the Secretariat of the Cyber Security Committee
- The Government adopted the Regulation on resolving interest-based collective labour disputes with assistance from labour mediators
- The Parliament adopted the Law on Investment Banks
- The Presidential Decree approves the classification of businesses
- The Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 is published for discussion
- The Government approved decision on regulation and promotion of Public-Private Partnership
- The Government approved the initiative to introducing major amendments and supplements to the Labor Code