Mongolia • No. 01/2025 • March 2025
In accordance with Article 1.5, Section 17 of the Law on Permits, issuing administrative normative acts related to issuing, extending, suspending, reinstating, or annulling permits is prohibited. To ensure compliance with this regulation, the administrative normative acts that have been repealed to date are listed below.
To ensure the implementation of the Law on Permits, an extended meeting of the Permits Council was held on February 6, 2025, and Conclusion No. 01 was approved. According to this conclusion, administrative normative acts regulating the issuance, extension, suspension, reinstatement, and annulment of permits are to be removed from the State Unified Registry of Administrative Normative Acts. In connection with this, the relevant authorized organizations have commenced a review of their existing administrative normative acts and taking measures to repeal those acts that regulate the issuance, extension, suspension, reinstatement, and annulment of permits.
The following authorized state organizations have repealed their normative acts:
To ensure the implementation of the Law on Permits, authorized organizations have begun reviewing their issued administrative normative acts and repealing those that violate the requirements of the Law on Permits. As part of this effort, we presented a list of acts that have been repealed to date. Please note that this list may be updated in the future. Therefore, business entities are advised to take note of the repealed acts and ensure that their operations are guided by valid legal acts.