Ethics and NOCLAR Training


Ethics, not only in business but also in our personal life have become a non-negotiable for all of us. As a business leader we are held accountable daily in the media for questionable behaviour, which may result in tarnished brands or reputations.

It is more important than ever to make the right decisions, even though this may seem difficult at times. This course is designed to equip employees on what is ethics and how to apply ethical principles to dilemmas with a practical approach. The course will further equip professional accountants on the impact of NOCLAR (Non-compliance with Laws and Regulations) and how to apply these considerations in the professional environment.

CPD Hours: 3

Topics include:


  • Ethics vs. Morals
  • Importance of Ethics
  • Ethical Decision-making
  • Values
  • Impact of an ethical culture on the work environment
  • Application of Principles
  • Practical ethical tools & resources




  • Getting to grips with NOCLAR
  • Compliance to NOCLAR
  • Purpose of NOCLAR regulations
  • Various internal & external roles as they relate to NOCLAR
  • Consequences of non compliance

Date: 12 November 2024

Time: 09h00 - 12h00    


In-person - TBC, Windhoek

Virtually - in the comfort of your home or office.

Cost (incl VAT):

N$2,000 (including refreshments) 

N$1,500 (virtual attendees)

CPD Hours: 3

Registrations close 1 November 2024. For logistical purposes registrations will close at 15h00.

PayToday is available for Business School event registration and payment. Just browse PwC on the PayToday App and select the PwC Business School for your payment.

Click here to register

Contact us

Mari-Nelia  Hough

Mari-Nelia Hough

Associate Director, PwC Namibia

Tel: +264 61 284 1070

Shadé  Klein

Shadé Klein

Business School Senior Administrator, PwC Namibia

Tel: +264 61 284 1082

PwC Business  School

PwC Business School

General, PwC Namibia

Tel: +264 81 645 0523

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