IFRS for SMEs Training | Coastal

IFRSⓇ for Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s) provides a platform for understand the requirement for a small to medium sized enterprise to comply to the IFRS accounting standard. Attending the training would allow participants to stay up to date with accounting hot topics, learn from the comprehensive case studies and group interactions.

The PwC Namibia Business School will be offering IFRS for SME’s Training covering the below topics:

  • Introduction to IFRS for SME’s
  • Scope of IFRS for SME’s

  • Application concepts

  • Presentation & disclosure

  • Accounting policies, estimates & errors

  • Financial instruments

  • Corporate transactions

  • Business combinations

  • Transitioning to the IFRS for SMEs

Who will benefit from the Training:

  • Practitioners preparing, auditing or reviewing financial statements prepared under the IFRS framework

  • Preparers of financial statements who are applying or intend applying IFRS

  • Academics

  • Trainee accountants

Date: 22 May 2025

Time: 09h00 - 16h00

Venue: PwC Business School, Walvis Bay, 122 Theo Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay, Namibia

Cost: N$3,000 (incl VAT)

CPD Hours: 6

PayToday is available for Business School event registration and payment. Just browse PwC on the PayToday App and select the PwC Business School for your payment.

Registrations close 13 May 2025. For logistical purposes registrations will close at 15h00.

Click here to register

Contact us

Mari-Nelia  Hough

Mari-Nelia Hough

Associate Director, PwC Namibia

Tel: +264 61 284 1070

PwC Business  School

PwC Business School

General, PwC Namibia

Tel: +264 81 645 0523

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