Job Evaluation Principles


Job evaluation (JE) is the process of assessing the relative worth of jobs in an organisation, using an objective and reliable evaluation system. The purpose is to attain and maintain an equitable distribution of grades and pay structures. Understanding the principles of Job Evaluation, enables the consistent application and implementation of a reliable and objective job evaluation system.

Course outline:

  • Introduction to Job Evaluation
  • Job Evaluation Process
  • Paterson JE System
  • Introduction to PwC’s REMeasure JE System

Who should Attend?

  • Employees at all levels of the organisation

Date: 11 September 2024

Time: 08h00 - 17h00 

Venue: TBC, Windhoek

Cost: N$ 2,750 (incl VAT) (including refreshments)

CPD: 5 Hours

Registrations close 30 August 2024. For logistical purposes registrations will close at 15h00.

PayToday is available for Business School event registration and payment. Just browse PwC on the PayToday App and select the PwC Business School for your payment.

Click here to register

Contact us

Mari-Nelia  Hough

Mari-Nelia Hough

Associate Director, PwC Namibia

Tel: +264 61 284 1070

Shadé  Klein

Shadé Klein

Business School Senior Administrator, PwC Namibia

Tel: +264 61 284 1082

PwC Business  School

PwC Business School

General, PwC Namibia

Tel: +264 81 645 0523

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