We at PwC know that when we listen closely to our clients, understand their goals and collaborate with them in creating value, sustainable results are achieved. The same goes for our people – we strive to create an experience that encourages our people to realise their potential and create their own personal value.
Having the largest reach, strongest network and highly skilled people, PwC is uniquely placed to assist companies of all sizes as they navigate the exciting changes PNG is experiencing, and create the value they are looking for.
Our over 150 people in Port Moresby and Lae recognise the importance of providing an excellent client experience - how we relate to our clients as people, and our commitment, ability and understanding of their business to help them create value. Our people are committed to this and deliver that experience every day.
PwC PNG is proud to take its place as a market leader in achieving a sustainable, prosperous future: we hold ourselves accountable for our actions and promote responsible business practices; support the growth and development of our people and communities; and seek to minimise our impact on the environment.
We are passionate about promoting, investing and supporting charities, events and programs for development and upliftment. In PNG, we support the areas of youth, women, education and health amongst others.
Worldwide we possess an enviable breadth and depth of resources, yet we work locally, bringing appropriate local knowledge and experience to bear. We have a client base that we are proud of, and the strongest market position across all our industry groups.
In our business, change is the only constant, and we are continually adapting our range of services to ensure we are providing the value you are looking for.
© 2015 - 2025 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.