Financial Statement Audit

The purpose of an audit is to form a view on whether the information presented in the financial report, taken as a whole, reflects the financial position of the organisation at a given date. For example:

  • Are details of what is owned and what the organisation owes, properly recorded in the balance sheet?
  • Are profits or losses properly assessed?

With some exceptions, for example exempt companies, organisations subject to the PNG Companies Act must have an audit each year.

How PwC can help you

Our auditors provide an extensive range of audit and audit-related services. We also determine the type and extent of the audit procedures required, depending on the risks and controls that have been identified. These procedures may include:

  • Examining financial and accounting records, other documents, and tangible items such as plant and equipment
  • Watching certain processes or procedures being performed
  • Asking a range of questions - from formal, written questions to informal, oral questions - to a range of individuals in the organisation
  • Obtaining written confirmations of certain matters - for example, asking a debtor to confirm the amount of their debt with the organisation
  • Testing some of the organisation's internal controls
  • Making judgments on significant estimates or assumptions that management made when they prepared the financial report

Our auditors maintain independence from management and directors so that tests and judgments are made objectively. We discuss the scope of the audit work with the organisation, and the directors or management may request that additional procedures be performed.

Find out how PwC is “simplifying the audit through innovation,” ushering in a new way of auditing that’s delivering high quality and unique insights to our clients.

Contact us

Jonathan Seeto

Managing Partner, PwC Papua New Guinea

Tel: +675 321 1500 | 305 3100

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