Audit and Assurance Services

At PricewaterhouseCoopers the global practice, which we call Audit and Assurance Services provides a broad range of assurances aimed at enhancing shareholder value and minimizing business risk in a constantly changing commercial environment.

We provide audit and other assurance services to clients on the financial performance and operation of their business.

Providing audit services to Slovenian domestic and internationally owned companies preparing financial statements in accordance with:

  • Slovenian Accounting Standards,
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and
  • Generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (US GAAP).

Advising our clients on Slovenian accounting and auditing matters and analyzing the likely impact the pace and direction of economic and financial change will have on their business activities in Slovenia.

We have developed strong relationships with key decision makers in Slovenia, including ministries and various local organizations that enable us to resolve issues of professional or business nature and to identify reliable sources of information. Additionally, we are leaders in the development of non-financial performance reporting, helping our clients respond to the need for greater transparency, improved corporate governance and business models based on the principles of sustainability.

We audit many of the world’s best-known companies and thousands of other organisations large and small. Our audit approach, at the leading edge of best practice, is tailored to suit the size and nature of our clients’ organisations and draws upon our extensive industry knowledge.

Assurance and audit

Our services include:

  • Audits,
  • Internal audits,
  • Accounting advice,
  • Regulatory and review & investigations,
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),
  • Regulatory consultation,
  • Training courses on accounting technical matter,
  • Accounting advice and  consultation,
  • System Processing Assurance.

Contact us

Thomas Magill

Thomas Magill

CEE Financial Services and Risk Management Partner, PwC Slovenia

Primož Kovačič

Primož Kovačič

Partner, Assurance Leader, PwC Slovenia

Damjan Ahčin

Damjan Ahčin

Director, Assurance, PwC Slovenia

Anja Gorenc

Anja Gorenc

Director, Assurance, PwC Slovenia

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