Frequently asked questions

  • What if I have not graduated yet but I am in my final year or have not received my final results?
    Candidates in their final year or have completed but not received their final results are eligible to apply. You will be required to provide copies of your Secondary Certificate and University results for the level reached.
  • What if I don’t have a business based degree?
    We welcome graduates from all degree disciplines who have a minimum of Upper Second Class honours and possibility of pursuing a professional certification in different areas such as accounting, information technology & corporate finance.
  • What if I don’t have a professional qualification?
    Candidates are not required to possess a professional qualification to be eligible for the Graduate Recruitment Programme. Upon joining the firm, the candidates will be supported to gain their professional qualification where required.
  • How do I apply for the Graduate Recruitment Programme?
    To ensure that every candidate is treated fairly and consistently, we only accept online applications which should be posted through our website on our careers page under Graduate Recruitment.
  • What if I miss the application deadline?
    Unfortunately, we will not accept any applications posted after the deadline date.
  • What if I don’t reside in Kampala?
    Application for the Graduate Recruitment Programme will be carried out on-line to accommodate prospective candidates residing out of Kampala.

Contact us

Geraldine Semakula

Geraldine Semakula

Manager, PwC Uganda

Tel: +256 31 2354400

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