Regulatory compliance


Businesses across all industries grapple with a multitude of regulatory demands, evolving stakeholder expectations, and shifts in their business models. In this landscape, companies encounter challenges in simultaneously complying with laws, regulations, and standards while safeguarding their brand and enhancing stakeholder value.

At PwC Uganda, we provide support, guidance, and reassurance to organizations engaged in activities governed by regulatory authorities. Our aim is to enable you to effectively oversee and mitigate your regulatory risks.

Our efforts are dedicated to helping you identify, address, and proactively manage existing or potential regulatory risks within the ever-evolving regulatory landscape.


Woman discussing regulatory compliance services with a client on the phone.
Man writing  regulatory compliance contract.

Issues you may be facing

  • Regulatory clarity: Gain clarity on your regulatory status, whether you're currently regulated or anticipate future regulations.
  • Compliance assurance: Ensure that you are in full compliance with your regulator's requirements and rules.
  • Cost efficiency: Optimize compliance costs to prevent unnecessary spending while meeting regulatory obligations.
  • Regulatory overload: Manage an overwhelming volume of regulations more effectively.
  • Staff training planning: Strategically plan staff training to address emerging compliance issues.
  • Strategic resilience: Safeguard your business from potential regulatory impacts that could jeopardize your competitive advantage.
  • Reputational protection: Mitigate reputational risks associated with non-compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Role clarity: Determine and establish clear roles and accountabilities for compliance across legal, audit, and business functions.


How we can add value

With our range of services, you can navigate the intricacies of governance, risk management, and compliance with confidence, ensuring a solid foundation for your organization's success. At PwC, we offer comprehensive Compliance Services to help your organization navigate the intricate web of regulations, mitigate risks, and maintain a reputation of trust and integrity.

Compliance benchmarks

In today's rapidly evolving global business landscape, a robust compliance program is not merely a choice; it's an absolute imperative.

At Pwc, we go beyond the basics. We meticulously assess your compliance obligations, meticulously benchmarking them against industry standards and best practices, all with a keen eye for identifying opportunities for enhancement. Our ultimate aim is to fortify your organization's commitment to meeting legal, regulatory, and internal guidelines. This diligent process isn't just about ticking boxes; it's your frontline defense against the potential pitfalls of noncompliance, including costly fines, legal entanglements, and the erosion of your hard-earned reputation.

Compliance risk assessments

We specialize in conducting comprehensive regulatory compliance assessments that span both local and international regulations, whether existing or on the horizon. Our mission is to work closely with you to uncover potential gaps within your compliance infrastructure. Our tailored solutions go beyond merely identifying issues; we delve into assessing your current and future regulatory risk profiles. From there, we lay the foundation for a proactive compliance enhancement strategy, empowering you to bridge any gaps effectively. Rest assured, our vigilant team is committed to promptly escalating and addressing any compliance concerns as they arise.

Compliance reporting

Regulatory reporting is a critical activity for organizations and requires a concerted effort from all departments across the organization.  Many businesses have always struggled with opacity and inefficiency in their reporting processes.

Enter our game-changing automated, technology-driven solution. Say goodbye to redundancy and hello to agility! Our robust reporting function empowers your organization to proactively address emerging requirements with ease. Elevate your reporting game with us and stay ahead in the regulatory landscape.

Compliance trainings

Elevate your team's performance with our dynamic training program, delivering essential knowledge to enhance statutory compliance and foster best practices. Our engaging training is meticulously crafted to empower participants with a fundamental grasp of regulatory requirements, keeping them informed about the latest developments in the ever-evolving regulatory landscape, and enabling seamless integration of these regulations into your business model.

The regulatory landscape

Step into the dynamic world of Uganda's regulatory landscape, where innovation meets compliance, and opportunities flourish amidst evolving regulations.Explore the diverse regulatory framework, stay ahead of the curve, and unlock your organization's potential. Here are some of the regulations that companies / businesses need to adhere to:

  • Data Protection and Privacy Act
  • Electronic Transactions Act
  • Electronic Signatures Act
  • Computer Misuse Act
  • Bank of Uganda Act
  • Anti-Money Laundering Act
  • The National Payment Systems Act
  • BoU Corporate Governance Regulations
  • Capital Adequacy Requirement


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Contact us

Peter Ojekunle

Peter Ojekunle

Senior Manager | Risk Assurance Services, PwC Uganda

Tel: +256 (0) 312 354 400
