How companies can incorporate sustainability into product design process to reduce carbon footprint
Many companies make the mistake of only considering sustainability in the later stages of product development.
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Several market trends are coming together to make sustainability in supply chains more important for businesses. Net zero targets. Increased regulatory and investor pressure on nonfinancial data. Customer demand for greater transparency and more sustainable products and services. Companies that integrate sustainability into their corporate and supply chain strategy can capitalize on these trends and realize more value in both their sustainability efforts and businesses overall.
In our 2023 Digital Trends in Supply Chain Survey, most executives agreed or strongly agreed that their supply chain strategy and operations are important to executing their company’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy (86%). Most also said their digital investments in ESG have benefited their supply chains as well (79%). But many have yet to develop key digital capabilities.
Improving sustainability and corporate responsibility is growing in importance. When considering their priorities over the next 12-18 months, 24% of respondents said increasing sustainability and corporate social responsibility was among the top three. That’s up from 19% last year.
Operations leaders face a complex and fast-evolving landscape of digital offerings and capabilities to support things like supply chain transparency, measuring greenhouse gas emissions and meeting Scope 3 reduction targets. Almost every major software provider is making investments to build capabilities in this area, and hundreds of new and smaller players have entered this space as well. That can make it difficult to sort through solutions for the right fit. Four out of five respondents said employees’ lack of digital skills is a challenge to integrating ESG into their supply chains. Upskilling employees in this area can help companies be better equipped to identify digital solutions that would be the right fit.
Is your company ready to be smarter in using technology to advance your organization’s sustainability and supply chain efforts? Consider these actions as potential next steps.
Many companies make the mistake of only considering sustainability in the later stages of product development.
A key consideration of a company’s ESG data reporting strategy is its approach to measuring and managing Scope 3 emissions over time.
Learn how PwC helped Baker Hughes accelerate their net zero strategy.