The State of Sustainability Reporting

Aireal view of a forest.
  • Publication
  • July 31, 2024

In an era where climate change and other megatrends are re-shaping the future of business, it is imperative for companies to weave sustainability into the fabric of their strategic planning. Ignoring these trends not only negatively affects their enterprise value but also means they may miss out on the potential for growth that sustainability offers.

PwC Zambia recognises the critical role of sustainable practices and sustainability reporting and the evolving landscape of sustainability related regulatory requirements in shaping business strategies.

This report delves into the intricacies of sustainability reporting in Zambia; a country where environmental stewardship is integral to economic progress as highlighted in the Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP). It also illuminates the risks and opportunities that organisations must acknowledge.

Overview of Sustainability reporting

Sustainability reporting: setting the context

The primary goal of sustainability reporting is to prompt companies to adopt more sustainable practices. Through this type of reporting, companies can establish their priorities and communicate the economic, social and environmental impact of their activities, both positive and negative. This form of reporting empowers organisations to share in a transparent way their journey towards achieving sustainability goals, fostering accountability and continuous improvement2 . Fig 1 below highlights some challenges, risks and opportunities that an organisation can consider including in their sustainability report.

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George Chitwa

George Chitwa

Partner | Tax Leader, PwC Zambia

Tel: +260 (0) 211 334 000