Sustainability and Climate Change Alerts

In this alert:

Sustainability and climate change Alert - Green economy and climate change act alert

On 20th December 2024, the Green Economy and Climate Change Act, 2024 (Act No. 18 of 2024) was assented into Law by His Excellency, the Republican President Mr. Hakainde Hichilema. The Act is a landmark legislation aimed at promoting sustainable development and addressing climate change in Zambia. The Act is yet to be operationalized through a Statutory Instrument by the Minister of Green Economy and Environment and this article outlines the key provisions of the Act and explores the related risks and opportunities for businesses.

Download the full article for more information.

Renewable energy and climate change

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George Chitwa

George Chitwa

Partner | Tax Leader, PwC Zambia

Tel: +260 (0) 211 334 000

Rabecca  Hichilo

Rabecca Hichilo

Associate Director, PwC Zambia

Tel: +260 (0) 211 256 471

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