Audit and Assurance

Trusted Audit Assurance Services. Comprehensive solutions for businesses. Enhance transparency, mitigate risks. Partner with us.

How we can help

  • PwC Botswana is a trusted leader in external audit assurance services, offering tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of businesses worldwide. Our experienced professionals provide comprehensive external audit services, delivering accurate and insightful assessments to enhance financial transparency and compliance.
  • Elevate your organisation's confidence with PwCs external audit services. Our dedicated team of experts bring deep industry knowledge and a commitment to quality, ensuring that your financial statements meet regulatory requirements and provide stakeholders with reliable insights into your business performance.
  • Partner with us  for external audit services that go beyond traditional compliance. Our approach combines advanced technology, industry expertise and a focus on risk management to deliver audits that add value and drive business growth. Trust us  to provide the assurance you need to succeed in today's complex business environment.
man in a meeting


  • Finance and Accounting
  • Internal Audit Assessment

  • Company Secretarial Services

  •  Board Assessment Services

  • Accounting Services

  • Quality Assurance Programs 

  • Governance Risk andCompliance

  • Training and Development

  • ESG Framework and Assessments

  • Family Business Constitution
  • Audit Readiness Assessment 

  • Staff Secondment Services

  • Tax consulting services

  • Tax audits

  • Operations

  • People and  Change

  • Technology

  • Strategy

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