PwC Estonia’s tax and accountancy team: key projects in 2023

We cleaned up the previous accounting of a company involved in the programming and selling of innovative digital products. We advised on issues related to accounting for intangible fixed assets, developed an automated solution to retrieve international sales information from large-scale sales reports, and kept inventory records for goods sold on Amazon.

We straightened out the past accounting of several new clients, including correcting past tax returns where necessary, filing missing or incorrect reports, and assisting with audit procedures.

Our client portfolio includes several companies involved in the development of wind and solar power plants and the production of renewable energy. We offer a full accounting service in this sector with project-based accounting included. In 2023, we advised clients in this field both on tax issues of building rights, as well as on the application of accounting principles of asset financing in capitalising loans.

Many of our enterprise clients are active investors, including purchases and sales of securities both in Estonia and abroad, as well as lending through various interactive platforms. We provide them with a full accounting service, prepare annual reports and help them go through the audit process.


Our client portfolio also includes companies that we have advised in various start-up procedures and in the preparation of documentation. There are also companies with foreign management, whom we advise and introduce the requirements and obligations of Estonian legislation, depending on the field of activity.

We perform monthly complex salary and vacation reserve calculations for, and advise IT companies with 100+ employees.

We assisted one of Estonia's largest heat and energy producers in the reorganisation of their business operations and assessed the related tax consequences. What made this project interesting was the fact that, in addition to the legal aspects related to Estonia, foreign jurisdictions had to be taken into account and the Estonian tax advice adjusted accordingly. Also, with this client, we had the biggest transfer pricing project of the season, which also included foreign companies and the preparation of documentation for them.

We participated as a tax advisor in one of the biggest real estate transactions in Estonia this year on the buyer's side. The project was challenging due to the presence of many participants, the complex financing structure of the transaction and the financial relations between the investors being regulated to great detail. 

We advised on the logistics chain of cars manufactured in the United States to Europe, which was organised through an Estonian enterprise. In addition to questions related to indirect taxes, we were also able to help with changing the tax residency of a natural person and cooperate with our foreign office in this regard. 

This year we had several tax projects where we helped to bring foreign lecturers to Estonian universities and thereby make our academic landscape even more international. We were able to help with the preparation of lecturers' employment taxes and income declarations


We helped an international conglomerate to prepare for the sale of some of its subsidiaries and to separate the production activities to be sold from other businesses. What made the project interesting was its international nature and the opportunity to contribute in finding the best solution for sales activities.  

Contact us

Hannes Lentsius

Hannes Lentsius

Tax Service Line Leader, PwC Estonia

Tel: +372 5691 1698

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