With offices in 151 countries and more than 364,000 people, we are among the leading professional services networks in the world. We help organisations and individuals create the value they are looking for, by delivering quality in Assurance, Tax and Advisory services.
While we come from different backgrounds and cultures, our values are what we have in common. They describe the expectations our clients should have of us, describe how we work with each other, and hold us accountable to do our best. They guide our actions and enable our success.
While we come from different backgrounds and cultures, our values are what we have in common. They guide how we work with our clients and each other, inform the type of work we do, and hold us accountable to do our best. They govern our actions and determine our success.
Our values help us work towards our Purpose of building trust in society and solving important problems.
The trust that our clients, communities and our people place in PwC, and our high standards of ethical behaviour, are fundamental to everything we do. Our values underpin our Code of Conduct which is our frame of reference for the decisions we make every day. It's how we do business.
Complaints, Allegations & Anti-Harassment Policy
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In an increasingly complex world, we help intricate systems function, adapt and evolve so they can benefit communities and society – whether they are capital markets, tax systems or the economic systems within which business and society exist. We help our clients to make informed decisions and operate effectively within them. We serve clients and communities around the world, working to achieve our Purpose: to build trust in society and solve important problems.
Be Well, Work Well is about forming everyday healthy habits that help fuel our six dimensions of well-being — Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Financial and Social — which are proven drivers of performance, fulfillment and engagement. This goes beyond the traditional employee wellness programs focused mostly on physical health; it’s a holistic approach to a more happier and healthier life.
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