Sabrina Paulus | PwC Germany


Do you think having a degree in Architecture is relevant to the world of Deals?

Because I love architecture, I wanted to work in a field related to that topic so you might think what has that got to do with Deals?

I’m currently working as a Senior Associate in the VMA (Valuation, Modelling and Analytics) department within the Real Estate team. We mainly appraise land, buildings and real estate development projects, but also machinery and equipment.

This is great for me, as my passion lies in building valuation models and understanding the underlying assumptions, the construction and transaction processes, as well as the strategic decisions behind it all.

My previous studies gave me a profound understanding of both the technical and structural aspects as well as the development, planning and construction processes of real estate. I understand buildings in a different way to most of my Real Estate colleagues. This is particularly useful for Real Estate Valuations as, for example, I know different construction methods and can read a ground floor plan. I bring independent, creative and fresh thinking that allows me to create valuable insights that have helped my clients.

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‘My previous studies gave me a profound understanding of both the technical and structural aspects as well as the development, planning and construction processes of real estate.’

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Helen Sullivan

Helen Sullivan

Director, Global Programme Director for Edge, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 02890 245454

Catherine Murphy

Catherine Murphy

Senior Manager, Edge EMEA Programme Leader, PwC United Kingdom

Amanda Ashby

Amanda Ashby

Senior Manager, Edge Asia Pacific Programme Leader, PwC Australia

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