Government & public services

Governments around the world face many complex issues and are constantly challenged to deliver public services in the most efficient way. We combine our domestic and global expertise to solve complex business issues and deliver innovative solutions.

How we can help

Our government and public services practice focuses on providing audit and assurance, tax and consulting services to local, national, regional and global government entities. We work together with our clients, looking for practical, workable and innovative solutions that make a difference in solving the pressing challenges that are being faced every day across a range of areas in the public domain, including education, defense and security, digital government, international development, local government and public finance.

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Agnieszka Gajewska

Agnieszka Gajewska

Global Government & Public Sector Leader, PwC Poland

Yvonne Welsh

Yvonne Welsh

Global Government & Public Services Industry Executive, Director, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +447710035926