Upskilling for a Digital World

Malta Annual Review 2020

Upskilling to the new digital world

The world is going through a technological revolution, with technology replacing human tasks and changing the skills organisations need. New roles will be created, other roles will need to be adapted, and some roles will no longer be required as a result of automation. COVID-19 has also rapidly accelerated the need for digital transformation, and is also shifting demand and supply of jobs across different sectors. This is leading to increasing disparity, disrupting jobs and businesses. Upskilling and reskilling is therefore a critical initiative which needs to be addressed.

What we’ve done

In October 2019 PwC launched its New World. New Skills. global programme. The vision for the programme is to advance the world of work through upskilling and reskilling initiatives, which will help build better futures for citizens, business and our own people. Over the next four years, PwC has committed US$3bn to upskilling. This will primarily be invested in training our people, and in technologies for supporting clients and communities. We’re excited to share what we've learnt from our own upskilling journey and to help businesses, governments, local communities and individuals address this growing problem.

Throughout the last year we have therefore been engaging with different stakeholders in Malta including Government, businesses and social partners to encourage a call for action in relation to upskilling and reskilling. 

Although the need for upskilling is mainly driven by technological advances, upskilling is not just about digital skills. Workers also need role-specific, business and human skills such as creativity and problem-solving - in addition to digital skills - to enable them to work effectively alongside technology. Over the last year, our PwC Malta Academy has therefore designed 3 learning journeys at MQF Level 6 around data literacy, tech literacy and human literacy to inspire people and get them ready for digital transformation. In addition we are providing a learning management platform for our clients to assist them with the organisation of their upskilling learning strategies, a tool which enables a blended learning approach and achieves learning efficiencies and effectiveness.

Upskilling to the new digital world

Contact us

Claudine Attard

Claudine Attard

Director, Advisory, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 9947 6321

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