A spotlight on Malta's Asset and Wealth Management Industry

Renewed opportunity in a changing world

Geometric Pattern for Asset and Wealth Management Survey
  • June 11, 2024

The Asset and Wealth Management (AWM) industry landscape remains in constant evolution. Realities such as digital transformation, ever-increasing regulation and changes in investor expectations, are undoubtedly creating more complexities. With these shifts in approach and thinking, traditional capital-raising techniques might not be reaping the desired results. Understanding the added value Malta can provide as an AWM jurisdiction in light of the above is more relevant than ever.

With this in mind, during the first quarter of 2024, PwC Malta launched a survey to understand the current state of play in the local AWM industry, particularly how service providers in this sector are tackling the challenges referred to above and where they are seeing key opportunities.

Amongst the greatest challenges industry players are facing, increasing compliance costs is by far the greatest perceived threat to the industry. Furthermore, current economic uncertainty in terms of inflation, market volatility and interest rate movements are also adding to the uncertain outlook. 

90% of respondents point at compliance costs as the greatest industry challenge
What are the greatest challenges faced in the industry today?
Created with Highcharts 9.2.290%90%40%40%20%20%10%10%Percentage of respondentsCosts of complianceMacro-economic factors (inflation, market volatility,interest rate movements, etc)Focus on investing in ESG/green productsKeeping up with technological advances in the sector toremain competitive0102030405060708090100

In facing these challenges, over half of the survey respondents indicated that they are implementing cost control measures and looking at more diversified portfolio positions.

How do you plan to overcome these ongoing challenges in the coming months/years?
Created with Highcharts 9.2.255%55%40%40%30%30%15%15%Percentage of respondentsCost controlPortfolio diversificationMaterial investment in new technologiesPossible merger with other AWM businesses  (to driveefficiencies and scale)010203040505152535455560
People discussing ongoing challenges

Furthermore, based on the data gathered, around 50% of the participants intend to or would consider the notion of forming a strategic consolidation with other AWM businesses to manage costs whilst simultaneously driving and increasing scalability for their business.

Strategic consolidation with other AWM businesses
Would you consider a strategic consolidation with another AWM business in the coming months?
Created with Highcharts 9.2.250% | Yes50% | Yes45% | No45% | No5% | N/A5% | N/AYesNoN/A
Do you expect to keep operating out of Malta over the next twelve months?
Created with Highcharts 9.2.290% | Yes90% | Yes10% | No10% | NoYesNo

Notwithstanding the perceived challenges, survey respondents have very little to no intention of venturing their operation outside of Malta. In this regard, 90% of the respondents plan to keep operating in Malta in the coming years showing that Malta retains a level of attractiveness as an AWM domicile. Survey results illustrate that Malta’s key strengths in attracting AWM businesses are mainly a reliable ecosystem of service providers, the approachability of the regulator, and cost-effectiveness when compared to other EU jurisdictions.

What do you believe is Malta's key strength(s) in attracting AWM businesses?
Created with Highcharts 9.2.250%50%45%45%40%40%35%35%Percentage of respondentsReliable ecosystem of service providersAccessibility of the regulatorMore cost effective jurisdictionThe right level of regulatory oversight and supervision0102030405051525354555
Do you expect to be launching any new products/funds/sub-funds over the next twelve months?
Created with Highcharts 9.2.255% | Yes55% | Yes40% | No40% | No5% | N/A5% | N/AYesNoN/A

The evolution in the AWM industry, although facing several challenges, is showing no signs of slowing down. In this regard, results show that approximately 55% of the respondents intend to launch new products or funds over the next twelve months.

Do you expect to be promoting green products over the coming year?
Created with Highcharts 9.2.255% | No55% | No35% | Yes35% | Yes10% | N/A10% | N/ANoYesN/A

Approximately 30% of the respondents also expect to promote green products in the near future, while 5% of the respondents are already promoting green products. 

Do you utilise emerging technologies such as AI in your day-to-day operations?
Created with Highcharts 9.2.210% | Yes10% | Yes35% | No35% | No40% | No, but planning to implement AI tools in the future40% | No, but planning to implement AI tools in the future15% | N/A15% | N/AYesNoNo, but planning to implement AI tools in the futureN/A

Evidently, players are still willing to invest, including through the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools within their day-to-day operations. Although only 10% of the respondents are currently making use of such technologies, around 40% of the remaining respondents intend to invest in AI-related tools and make the related changes within their operations including as regards work-flow automation, automated compliance and predictive analysis tools. 

Around 46% of respondents already use or intend to use AI tools in the near future.
Which of the below AI Tools are you making use of or planning to invest in to enhance the services provided?
Created with Highcharts 9.2.245%45%25%25%20%20%Percentage of respondentsWork-flow automation softwareAutomated Compliance decisionsPredictive analysis tools024681012141618202224262830323436384042444648
Survey results show that notwithstanding a challenging industry environment, Maltese AWM players feel that Malta retains its attractiveness as an AWM jurisdiction. Navigating uncertainty and the ever-increasing cost of compliance, with the help of the right technology remains key to surviving and thriving.

Contact us

Chris Mifsud Bonnici

Chris Mifsud Bonnici

Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 79757005

Nadia Mifsud

Nadia Mifsud

Director, Assurance, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 7234

Elizabeth  Chappell

Elizabeth Chappell

Senior Manager, Assurance, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 7975 6980

Lee Ann Agius

Lee Ann Agius

Senior Manager, Tax, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 4027