Amendments to the Solvency II Directive

  • March 11, 2024

A provisional agreement on the proposed updates to the Solvency II Directive has been reached, and whilst the implementation date is still uncertain, the expectation is that implementation will be in early 2026. The changes predominantly relate to addressing previous criticisms regarding the size and sensitivity of the risk margin (reducing the cost of capital from 6% to 4.75%), together with amendments to the calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirements (SCR) involving interest rate risk, symmetric adjustment and long-term equities.

Pillar 2 has also seen new requirements when it comes to governance and risk management, with the latter emphasising the inclusion of cybersecurity, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and climate change risk within the undertaking’s framework. 

With respect to Pillar 3 requirements, the amendments will extend deadlines for annual reporting as follows:

  • Annual QRTs from 14 weeks to 16 weeks

  • Regular Supervisory Report (RSR) and SFCR from 14 weeks to 18 weeks

  • Group SFCR from 20 weeks to 22 weeks

Quarterly reporting deadlines are unchanged (5 weeks for solo QRTs and 11 weeks for group QRTs).

Moreover, the layout of the SFCR has been amended to consist of simply two sections - the first addressed to policyholders and beneficiaries, containing only relevant information, and the second part addressed to market professionals, containing more detailed and technical information on the undertaking.

Further details on the abovementioned amendments can be found here.

Contact us

Christopher  Cardona

Christopher Cardona

Assurance Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 2610

Bertha Toledo

Bertha Toledo

Senior Manager, Assurance, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 7973 8489

Andre Croucher

Andre Croucher

Manager, Actuarial, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 7973 6068

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