Sustainability and the Environment

Transportation and shipping

  • Free public transport will start being provided to all Maltese residents as from 1 October 2022.

  • Schemes for businesses to subsidise the cost of changing existing petrol or diesel engines to electric.

  • A new scheme will be introduced to encourage operators of mini buses, coaches and trucks to install Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) as well as Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems and to install PV panels.

  • Increase in grants to €11,000 when buying new electric vehicles or plug-in-hybrids with an additional €1,000 (rising to €2,000 in Gozo) granted when scrapping a vehicle. 

  • Investment in a stronger charging point infrastructure through the installation of around 1,200 charging points for electric vehicles around the country over a 3 year period.

  • Extension of the exemption from registration tax and annual road license on electric vehicles and plug-in electric vehicles for a period of five years from the date of first registration.

  • Continuation of the reduced flat rate for residential charging of electric vehicles during the off-peak period. 

  • Extension of the following Transport Malta schemes:

    • awarding a full VAT refund on bicycles and electronic bicycles; 

    • incentivising the purchase of electric motorcycles, scooters and bicycles; 

    • providing grants for those who change their vehicle to run on gas instead of petrol; and

    • other schemes incentivising taxis or passenger transport vehicles that are wheelchair accessible.

  • As regards sea transport, plans to build more quays in order to introduce alternative ferry routes and to invest in cargo and tourist berthing facilities at the Grand Harbour.  

  • Investment for the purpose of changing/upgrading the Vessel Tracking System together with the system currently in place to register ships and vehicles. 

  • Digital investment in order to modernise/upgrade the ship register.

Green walls
Green bonds
Vehicles budget

Urban development and physical environment

  • The Planning Authority will introduce an aesthetics policy and various measures to encourage a more comprehensive, uniform development that respects Malta’s urban environment.

  • Afforestation project at the Inwadar Park (extending from Xghajra to Zonqor) over a period of 5 years with a €20 million investment.  

  • Projects for the conservation and development of Natura 2000 sites and green spaces in urban zones, public gardens and parks including green walls, green roofs, rehabilitation of valleys, community gardens and the Ta’ Qali National Park project.

  • Introduction of Smart Bins with controlled access and continuous surveillance by local councils.

  • Introduction of the Reuse Centres within the Bulky Waste Centres so that items such as toys, ceramics, books and furniture can be reused.

  • Feasibility study in connection with the introduction of a repair centre for waste to be repaired rather than recycled. 

Gozo Sustainability

Investment in renewable energy sources

  • Funds will be allocated for solar panels to be installed on all government buildings, where technically possible.
  • Measures to promote more efficient energy production using solar panels, solar water heaters, and heat pumps, investment in photovoltaic panels, and energy-storing battery solutions.

  • Extension of grants to assist with the restoration of domestic water wells and the installation or replacement of reverse osmosis systems.

Energy and Water

  • Introduction of a new system to calculate electricity bills enabling consumers to “save” cheaper unused units to be used in periods of higher consumption. 
  • Launching technical and financial feasibility studies in 2022 regarding hydrogen pipeline development.
  • Work is underway on the installation of the second interconnector cable with Sicily.
  • Accelerating a robust investment plan in the Enemalta electric power distribution network. 
  • Extension of the new water network, the strengthening of the drainage system in the North and the South regions of Malta and finalisation of the upgrade to the sewage treatment plant in Sant Antnin.
Electric cars

Financing Sustainability

  • Extension of the Malta Development Bank SME Tailored Facility to provide finance for investments in sustainable and environmental projects by SMEs.

  • Support for Maltese companies in evaluating the environmental and social impact of their activities. In turn this will provide private investors with information to be able to buy shares/bonds in companies that satisfy ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria.

  • Launching of a process whereby any surplus carbon credits generated by private and public entities investing in green projects may be voluntarily purchased by other private and public entities.

  • Provision of incentives for organic farming and carbon farming. Furthermore, grants of a maximum of €8,000 may be claimed by farmers who have agricultural land which is not being used or with low levels of production to convert them into systems of agroforestry based on fruit trees.

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