A closer look at the recently launched Malta Enterprise incentive schemes

New incentive schemes from Malta Enterprise
  • April 30, 2024

Recently Malta Enterprise Corporation launched several incentive schemes to support start-ups, SMEs and large enterprises with funding for initial investment projects and other eligible expenditures.

Business Development

A cash grant and/or tax credit of up to €300,000 for eligible projects

This scheme supports a number of business development projects such as setting-up, expansion, modernisation, upgrading of industrial sites and hotels, business re-engineering, digital transformation and environmental actions, amongst others.

Eligible costs include wage, rental and advisory costs, as well as the acquisitions of tangible and intangible assets.

Maximum Aid

This is a De Minimis scheme and provides a cash grant and/or tax credit of up to 75% of eligible costs, capped at €300,000 per single undertaking (as defined) over 3 years.

Application deadline

This scheme is open until 31 December 2030 and the application deadline is 30 September 2030. Approval from Malta Enterprise Corporation should be obtained before the commencement of the project.

Smart and Sustainable Investment Grant

A cash grant of up to €100,000 for each project

This scheme supports businesses investing in a project of at least €10,000 aiming to achieve sustainability or digitisation. 

Eligible investments include waste minimisation, sustainable materials, energy efficiency, water efficiency and sustainable digitalisation.

Maximum Aid

The aid covers up to 50% of eligible costs, capped at a cash grant of €100,000 per project.

In certain cases, a further tax credit may be claimed with a possibility that the total aid reaches 60% or 70% of the eligible costs.

This scheme is covered by the De Minimis Regulations.

Application deadline

Applications are to be submitted by 30 November 2026. Approval from Malta Enterprise Corporation should be obtained before the commencement of the project.

Rent Subsidy

50% of eligible rental costs up to €150,000 over 3 years

This scheme is intended to support businesses engaged in industrial activities that require renting industrial space (both in the form of private industrial premises and short-term temporary rentals) to start a new business, expand operations, diversify current processes or optimise supply chains.

Maximum Aid

The subsidy is in the form of a cash grant and/or tax credits covering up to 50% of the eligible rental costs capped at €150,000 (€50,000 p.a.) for a single undertaking over any rolling period of 3 years. 

This scheme is covered by the DeMinimis Regulations.

Application deadline

Applications are to be submitted to Malta Enterprise Corporation by 31 October 2030.

Accelerate 2024

A cash grant of up to €100,000

This scheme supports undertakings in their initial 7 years (including spin-offs from established enterprises) in financing participation in an Accelerator Programme* recognised by Malta Enterprise Corporation.  

*An Accelerator Programme is a fixed-term, cohort-based program designed to accelerate the growth and development of enterprises by providing a combination of mentorship, resources, funding, and networking opportunities.

This measure is intended for ventures with potential for growth, that have a viable business concept based on sound technical and scientific know-how and that are in the process of developing the technology into a market-ready offering.

Applicants must be registered businesses within the European Economic Area and established not earlier than 7 years from submission of application.

Eligible costs include:

  • accelerator participation fees

  • travel and per diem

  • corporate service provider fees

  • rent of business premises in Malta

  • rent of plant, machinery and equipment

Maximum Aid

Eligible undertakings may receive up to €100,000 to cover costs related to establishing a start-up venture in Malta, fees charged by Accelerator Programmes and other costs incurred during the acceleration period.

This scheme is covered by the DeMinimis Regulations.

Application deadline

Applications are to be submitted to Malta Enterprise Corporation by 31 October 2030.

Support through this incentive should only be requested after the eligible undertaking (whether established or in the process of being established) has been accepted to participate in an Accelerator Programme.

How can we help?

Our Incentives team has years of experience working alongside local enterprises to identify the most suitable incentive scheme for their business. We can assist you in identifying opportunities for your business and support you throughout the relevant application process.

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