In July 2021, the EU presented a package (the Package) of legislative proposals to strengthen the EU’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) rules. The package consists of four legislative proposals:
A Regulation establishing an EU AML/CFT Authority (AMLAR) - AMLA;
A new Regulation on AML/CFT (AMLR / the Regulation);
A sixth Directive on AML/CFT (AMLD6); and
A recast of the 2015 Regulation on Transfers of Funds (Regulation 2015/847/EU)
As of 24 April 2024, the final elements of the Package of legislative proposals were agreed upon by co-legislators (with the creation of AMLA also being tackled), and the Package was adopted by the European Parliament. Moreover, the EU Council formally adopted the Package on 30 May 2024, with the next step being the publication of the texts in the Official Journal of the EU and subsequent entry into force.
Subject Persons should take note of the following key elements emanating from the Package and consider any possible impact on their operations:
One of the elements the new AMLR covers is outsourcing. The following are some of the key points on this subject: