PwC 28th Annual CEO Survey – Sub-Saharan Africa perspective
From resilience to reinvention
Anthony Leung Shing, Country Senior Partner
We are pleased to present you with our first PwC CEO Survey for Mauritius.
You will read in this report that the outlook for growth remains favourable in Mauritius, as the country is one of the most competitive economies in Africa.
While strategies will vary by company depending on its plan of action, operating model, industry context and competitive landscape, overcoming operational challenges and other essential elements for their survival will be crucial to capitalise on these growth opportunities.
The 27th Annual Global CEO Survey polled 4,702 CEOs in 105 countries and territories from 2 October through 10 November 2023. This report focused on survey results of Mauritius CEOs.
83% of CEOs in Mauritius exhibit strong confidence in the country’s economic prospects, compared to a 38% global sentiment.
From resilience to reinvention
Welcome to the 2024 PwC Kenya CEO Survey. This report is an extract from the East Africa CEO survey, providing insights on how local CEOs are navigating the future.
Sharp, actionable insights curated to help global leaders build trust and deliver sustained outcomes
PwC’s 28th Annual Global CEO Survey: Insights from Tanzania CEOs, themed Reinvention on the edge of tomorrow.
Anthony Leung Shing, ACA, CTA
EMA Deputy Regional Senior Partner, Country Senior Partner, PwC Mauritius
Tel: +230 404 5071
Olivier Rey
EMA Clients and Markets Leader, Assurance Partner, PwC Mauritius
Tel: +230 404 5145
Ariane Serret
Senior Manager, Clients and Markets Development, PwC Mauritius
Tel: +230 4045029