The African Opportunity - Key Insights for Directors

Directors Forum

Publication No. 8 - December 2023 | A joint initiative by MIoD and PwC

The African Opportunity - Key Insights for Directors

December 2023

This Position Paper 8 provides key insights for Directors on The African Opportunity – Key Insights for Directors.

Africa, the second largest continent by land and population, is the fastest-growing continent for technology adoption, natural resources, human capital and other opportunities. There is a strong potential for healthy returns through abundant natural resources, sustainable agriculture and free trade agreements.

This Position Paper 8 provides key insights for Directors on The African Opportunity. 

Position Paper 8 (PDF 9.74mb)

Miod Pub 7



Ce Position Paper, qui est notre 8ème en collaboration avec le MIoD, reflète l’engagement de PwC à améliorer les normes de bonne gouvernance d’entreprise et à encourager nos leaders mauriciens à repenser les opportunités commerciales en Afrique qui a un potentiel immense. Il s'agit de la région connaissant la croissance urbaine la plus rapide au monde, avec quatre des dix économies affichant la croissance la plus élevée en 2022. Cette dynamique est renforcée par l'adoption croissante des technologies numériques, une demande soutenue pour des services de base, et l'abondance des ressources naturelles. Ces éléments ouvrent de nombreuses opportunités pour les entrepreneurs mauriciens. De plus, des investissements significatifs, atteignant jusqu'à 100 milliards de dollars par an, sont prévus en Afrique pour des projets durables. Cependant, cela n’est pas sans défis. Le continent est toujours en proie à l’instabilité politique, à la corruption, aux menaces sécuritaires et aux troubles sociaux. Ce Position Paper souligne la nécessité d’élaborer une stratégie de croissance claire et adaptée à l’Afrique. Cela signifie d’identifier les marchés les plus attractifs, de construire des relations locales solides et durables avec les partenaires, les fournisseurs et les communautés, ainsi que la nécessité de comprendre les institutions et réglementations locales.

Julien Tyack, Associé de PwC Maurice

About the Directors Forum 

To support the MIoD in building more effective boards and to promote good corporate governance, the Directors Forum was set up in 2012, in collaboration with PwC Mauritius.

The Directors Forum acts as an Advisory Council and Technical Committee to the MIoD. 

Collectively, the Directors Forum is made up of members who are respected local directors and professionals with backgrounds in law, economics, finance and accounting, corporate and securities regulation, business and academia, in the private and public sectors.

Download the latest Position Paper to discover the members.

Its objectives are to:

  • Identify issues which are of most concern to directors,
  • Produce position documents and, through consultation with Government and regulators, contribute to policy development, 
  • Be the voice for governance and directors’ issues in Mauritius,
  • Develop guidance on governance issues in Mauritius.
About Julien Tyack, Partner at PwC Mauritius

Julien heads our Risk Assurance Services department since 2018 and was admitted as Partner since 1 July 2021. He has more than 20 years of professional experience, of which more than 12 years in Mauritius and 11 in the UK. He has been an Internal Auditor since 2003. He is also qualified to perform quality assurance reviews for clients with an in-house internal audit function. Julien has worked at Audit Committee and board level for large multinational organisations in various industries including oil and gas, construction, civil engineering, hotels, the UK government and the UK National Health Service

Julien Tyack, partner at PwC Mauritius, recently took over at PwC on the MIoD’s “Directors’ Forum ”. Passionate about governance issues, he is "delighted to continue this journey with MioD, and to bring all his energy and a fresh look" to the challenges ahead. 

Contact us

Julien Tyack

Julien Tyack

Risk Assurance Services Partner and Sustainability Leader, PwC Mauritius

Tel: +230 404 5210

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