December 2022
This Position Paper 7 provides an insight on the role and importance of Independent Non-Executive Directors (INEDs) in Mauritius, highlighting the factors which impede on their independence, including maximum tenure on Boards and sub-committees, cross directorships, common directorships and over boarding.
The role and importance of INEDs is ever evolving. Boards should be forward looking and ensure that their INEDS have the necessary skills, knowledge, freedom and experience to perform their duties. Skilled INEDs will effectively act as a sounding board for the executive directors, provide an objective view as well as constructive criticism and support to the Board in making the best decision for the future of the organisation.
To support the MIoD in building more effective boards and to promote good corporate governance, the Directors Forum was set up in 2012, in collaboration with PwC Mauritius.
The Directors Forum acts as an Advisory Council and Technical Committee to the MIoD.
Collectively, the Directors Forum is made up of members who are respected local directors and professionals with backgrounds in law, economics, finance and accounting, corporate and securities regulation, business and academia, in the private and public sectors.
Download the latest Position Paper to discover the members.
Anthony Leung Shing, ACA, CTA
EMA Deputy Regional Senior Partner, Country Senior Partner, PwC Mauritius
Tel: +230 404 5071
Julien Tyack
Risk Assurance Services Partner and Sustainability Leader, PwC Mauritius
Tel: +230 404 5210
Ariane Serret
Senior Manager, Clients and Markets Development, PwC Mauritius
Tel: +230 4045029