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In this day and age, businesses are increasingly under pressure to succeed in a rapidly changing, ambiguous and turbulent environment. Businesses that fail to adapt to the changes will fail to survive. To respond to these pressures, businesses are beginning to adopt agile ways of working. Business agility will only be achieved when mindset and practices are applied contextually with a focus on outcomes.
We focus on delivering continuous value through agile ways of working within and beyond IT.
In our fast-moving world, the winners will be companies that can sense change and respond accordingly.
PwC has created one of the most effective and attractive agile working office environments in the UK. Paul Harrington, Real Estate Director at PwC, shows us...
Vilaiporn Taweelappontong
Asia Pacific Financial Services Consulting Leader and Consulting Lead Partner, PwC Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 2844 1000
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