
CFOs need to reassess their strategies to keep up with converging global and market drivers. On the regulatory front, they need to have greater levels of control and transparency, oversee corporate efforts to mitigate fraud and reputational risks, and follow relevant legislation.

Internally, CFOs need to control costs, address silo operations and duplicate efforts, and execute efficient back-office processing activities.

We’ll support you in:

  • Designing, implementing and monitoring KPIs
  • Embedding effective controls and management frameworks
  • Enhancing the quality and timeliness of operational and financial data
  • Improving employee engagement and retaining top talent
  • Improving finance support strategies and decision-making mechanisms
  • Improving the transparency and integrity of financial data
  • Increasing performance awareness and quantifying strategic choices
  • Maximising organisational alignment and personnel talent management
  • Streamlining workflows and reducing error rates, and
  • Making the finance function less complex.

Contact us

Vilaiporn Taweelappontong

Asia Pacific Financial Services Consulting Leader and Consulting Lead Partner, PwC Thailand

Tel: +66 (0) 2844 1000

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