Business Continuity Management

The Value of BCM

It’s impossible to prepare for every scenario, but you can better equipped to react to unexpected events. Robust BCP includes the steps, resources and procedures needed before, during and after a crisis. Strong BCM offers:

  • Increased employee readiness to ensure staff safety and an organised response
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements and fiduciary responsibilities to avoid penalties and litigation
  • Prioritised recovery of your business processes in which you allocate resources with a focus on protecting revenue and containing costs
  • Facilities/workspace management solutions that balance high real estate costs against the need to disperse your intellectual capital
  • Customised response strategies focused on high probability scenarios that make sure the BCP budget is properly allocated
  • Well-planned incident response/communications framework designed to address internal and external requirements, and
  • Awareness of business partner/third party continuity plans to ensure uninterrupted service and protect the entire value chain.

We can begin serving you anywhere along the following BCM lifecycle and tailor it to your organisation’s operating strategy and business requirements.

  • Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and Risk Assessment is an enterprise-wide understanding of key business functions and processes.
  • Recovery Strategy Selection points out practical and cost-effective strategies.
  • BCP and Crisis Management Plan (CMP) Development are explained that emphasise realistic recovery plans.
  • BCP Testing and Maintenance increasingly challenges your teams.
  • BCM Programme Evaluation, including Individual Plan Assessments, helps you understand how your programme compares to existing standards and other companies.
  • Emergency Preparedness Evaluation and Plan Development helps keep your employees safe.

Contact us

Vilaiporn Taweelappontong

Asia Pacific Financial Services Consulting Leader and Consulting Lead Partner, PwC Thailand

Tel: +66 (0) 2844 1000

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