Our proven framework lets your business grow successfully. It helps us assess your company’s state of sales, channels and distribution in the areas of strategy, process, people and IT. We give a comprehensive, but non-trivial view of the sales organisation, including supporting operational functions, that frames high-level business issues with suitable detail. We’ll help you transform your financial and operational performance, and recommend strategic and tactical changes to deliver the best customer experience.
Our model focuses on measuring each part of a business performance area. It highlights gaps, specific opportunities to improve performance, and areas where the organisation appears to be achieving a reasonably acceptable level of performance. It helps us to pinpoint specific solutions that are tailored to your desired area of improvement.
The maturity results, presented as quantitative and qualitative data, are turned into initiatives that form the Sales, Channels and Distribution Transformation Roadmap. The generic model and its description (see below) combined with our global industry knowledge create the right maturity model for you.
Vilaiporn Taweelappontong
Asia Pacific Financial Services Consulting Leader and Consulting Lead Partner, PwC Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 2844 1000