Market disruptions and increasing cost containment continue to increase management focus on quality designed, properly executed and well timed technology spending aligned to organisational priorities to minimise potential downside risk and maximise measurable technology investment returns.
By leveraging our global experience in project and program management, capabilities spanning multiple industries, and technological and business expertise, we are uniquely positioned to help you ensure your projects are professionally managed and executed. We help you make sure that you are provided with an independent holistic and detailed view of project progress, potential risks, and required success factors.
We provide you with the ability to deliver the right project at the right time while closing down those that no longer add value. We as your trusted independent advisor can help to organise, assess, and help deliver your projects to achieve your project and business objectives.
Vilaiporn Taweelappontong
Asia Pacific Financial Services Consulting Leader and Consulting Lead Partner, PwC Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 2844 1000