Regulation and Compliance


Basel II is finalised. Now the real work of interpreting and implementing the Framework—and using its implementation as a springboard to improve business processes and performance—can begin in earnest.

Clearly, Basel II will have an impact on costs and competition within the banking sector. Indeed, ‘too much regulation’ topped the list of risks facing banks according to Banana Skins, a survey carried out by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation in association with PwC. Key challenges also remain in areas ranging from operational risk to ensuring the consistency of application across different jurisdictions.

However, the market is likely to benefit from the enhanced stability and regulatory consistency that results from Basel II. Improvements in management information and rigour across the portfolio could also strengthen controls and provide the basis for better decision-making.

PwC has a global network of specialists who can help your company develop an effective and cost-efficient approach to compliance. We can also you turn compliance into an opportunity to improve management processes and strengthen confidence in your business.


Contact us

Boonlert Kamolchanokkul

Assurance Leader, PwC Thailand

Tel: +66 (0) 2844 1000

Boonrueng Lerdwiseswit

Partner, PwC Thailand

Tel: +66 (0) 2844 1000

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