In today’s constantly changing world, there are new social challenges every day that range from forced labour, to large scale conflicts which are directly linked to human rights abuses. Now, more than ever, business are being asked to make their own contribution to resolving these issues. In some cases, business may even have a legal obligation. The realisation that companies must not only respect human rights but actively protect and promote it has not yet been fully taken on board. However, there are companies already taking the lead and committing themselves to respecting human rights as part of their sustainability strategy.
Companies can start by understanding the link between its business and human rights by using the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Framework to develop their own human rights policy, create internal procedures for impact assessment, carry out due diligence, reduce identified risks, set up a grievance mechanism and report specifically on human rights.
“Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world……All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
Challenge: The client would like to improve its monitoring mechanism to make sure it complies with its supply chain’s code of conduct, and to identify potential risks, such as child labour and serious health and safety concerns in its supply chain
Solution: Assessment of current measures, the level of compliance and multiple un-announced, on-site visits to gauge the supply chain’s compliance.
Results: Currently still in-process
Challenge: The client would like to have a better understanding of how its current supply chain impacts upon human rights and the local community
Solution: Assessment of current measures and unannounced on-site visits to understand the supply chain’s operations and its impact on human rights
Results: Currently still in-process