E-learning courses

Our e-learnings allow you to develop your professional knowledge and skills

E-learning courses

More than 40 e-learning courses in English language are available in our online Learning Management System (LMS). Our e-learnings are designed to help you develop your knowledge, skills and key competencies in selected areas.
You may select a course from area of IFRS, IAS, GDPR and Compliance, from courses dedicated to business skills, digital technologies, cyber security and sustainable investing (ESG). 


List of IFRS & IAS e-learnings: 

Introduction to IFRS - IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
IAS 2 Inventories
IAS 7 Cash flow statements
IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors
IAS 10 Events after the reporting period
IAS 12 Income taxes
IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment
IAS 19 Defined benefit plans
IAS 20 Government grants
IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
IAS 23 Borrowing costs
IAS 27 Separate financial statements
IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
IAS 33 Earnings per share
IAS 36 Impairment of assets
IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
IAS 38 Intangible assets
IAS 40 Investment property
IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards
IFRS 9 Financial instruments for Corporates
Overview of IFRS 9 for banks
IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements
IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements
IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers
IFRS 16 Lease

Language: English

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List of Banking modules e-learnings: 

Cybersecurity for Banks,
Banking Regulatory Framework,
Monitoring Bank’s Performance,
Overview of IFRS9 and IAS32 for Banks.

Language: English

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COVID-19 related financial reporting issues

The aim of the 2.5-hour e-learning course is to provide essential knowledge about financial reporting issues under IFRS as a result of COVID-19 or any other crisis situation. 

Language: English

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Transfer pricing documentation basics

The global economy is mainly driven by the operation of multinational enterprises. These multinationals conduct a significant number of transactions within their group which leads to transfer pricing being an inevitability for most companies globally.
Upon completion of this course you will understand the requirements of the transfer pricing documentation as per the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines and BEPS Action 13. E-learning provides details of each specific element of the transfer pricing documentation (i.e. Master File, Local File and Country-by-Country Report) with relevant explanation together with basic information on transfer pricing principles.

Language: English

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GDPR “Get started“

In our e-learning we explain the main principles of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation and we also collected action points to help you to get prepared. 

During the course we cover the following topics: 

  • What is personal data? 
  • Who is affected? 
  • Data Controller and Processor,
  • Data transfer,
  • What to do to comply?

Language: English

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Competition Law in the European Union

In this course we will introduce you the basic outlines of the competition law effective on the european markets. By completing this course we can help you to comply.    

During the course we cover the following topics: 

  • Outline of competition law,
  • Agreements, 
  • State aid, 
  • Unfair commercial practices, 
  • Record keeping and business communication.

Language: English

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Whistleblower protection directive

The European Parliament and the Council have recently adopted a new Directive on whistleblowing rules [(EU)2019/1937]. The aim of our e-learning is to provide support to businesses and their employees to gain a comprehensive view of the minimum requirements set out in the Directive in relation to whistleblowing. The course gives insights to the available reporting channels and the new rules for whistleblowers and whistleblower protection.

This course will cover the following topics:

  • What is included in the directive?
  • Who is affected?
  • What options do whistleblowers have?
  • Reporting through internal and external channels,
  • Prohibition of retaliation,
  • What to do to comply?

Language: English

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Change Management and Corporate Culture

New industrial platforms, geopolitical shifts, global competition and changing customer demand are reshaping our whole world. To stay competitive on the market businesses have to get used to adapt changes as fast as possible.

In this course examples based on research and experience are shown on how to improve such a business skill answering the three questions:

  • Why managing change is important?
  • What tools can be used for a successful transformation?
  • What are the essentials of corporate culture?

Language: English

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International Diversity Management

International work environment often introduces employees to a wider range of cultures, backgrounds and values, and the leadership must be prepared to manage the diversity of their colleagues effectively and turn it into the benefit of their organisation.
The aim of this e-learning is to highlight the importance of a successful diversity and inclusion strategy, and the value that it can bring to your organisation.

The following topics are covered in the module:

  • What do we mean if we talk about diversity?
  • What does an inclusive workplace look like?
  • What value can diversity bring to an organisation?
  • How to build a diversity strategy?
  • Inclusive leadership

Language: English

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Remote Working

It is recommended to everyone who needs to work in a remote format: managers working with distributed and virtual teams, company employees working with colleagues from other regions. You will go through on an example project from a manager's view, starting with forming a remote team to implementing the project, and also learn how to build the process of working with a remote team as efficiently as possible.

At the beginning and at the end of each modules we measure the "relation temperatures" of the team members that help us understand the dynamics of a remote team.

The course deals with the following issues:

  • Why do we need remote team?
  • Trust,
  • Remote team technology set-up technology and tools,
  • Tips for remote employees,
  • Remote team working meetings,
  • Team building stages,
  • Motivation and engagement,
  • Project completion, manager's checklist.

Language: English

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Internet of Things

The ordinary tools you use to run your business may not be talking to each other. But what if they could? What if you could harness the power of connectivity to gain insights from data, reduce costs, increase efficiency, and create better experiences for your customers and employees?

In our course you can learn about the Internet of Things, how it emerged and what prospects it brings to our daily life and to your business. You will be able to understand the application of these technologies and the benefits they bring.

Language: English

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Industrial Security Awarness –⁠ virtual escape room

Understanding the security risk associated with our actions is the basis of a secure business environment. Our virtual escape room helps you and your colleagues identify possible threats in the manufacturing environment.

You enter the course in the moment when a hacker attack hits the manufacturing floor. Find all weak points that lead to this result!

Language: English

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Cybersecurity virtual escape room in office environment

Find out the password from the hidden clues in the office, get in the laptop, find the file and send it to yourself. 

Can you do it in 15 minutes? 

Just imagine how quickly a real hacker could enter your laptop. Are you sure you keep all your data safe?

Language: English

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Nowadays you don’t have to be tech-savvy to meet the following buzzwords: Big Data, Deep Learning, Machine Learning or Robotic Process Automation. But do you know what they actually mean, and how they are making your daily life easier?

In this hour-long e-learning you can not only get familiar with how the products you use actually work, but even to get to know more about the history of their technological development, through interesting use cases and fun facts.

Let us help you to stay up-to-date in a continuously changing and growing world.

The following topics are covered in the module:

  • Definition of AI

  • AI related buzzwords

  • History and milestones of AI 

  • AI in a company

  • Future of AI

Language: English

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Data Analytics Online Academy

New world. New skills.

Did you notice that there is a huge demand for data-driven business analytics in all industrial sectors today? In order to stay ahead of the competitors, businesses must be able to draw practical conclusions from their data, and to make decisions based on them. You don’t have to have any prior knowledge to start, but by the end of the course you will be able to use your data and to raise your business’s efficiency by using market-leading softwares such as Alteryx, Knime, Tableau, Power BI and Qlik.

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Data Analytics

Keep in mind, your workforce should spend their valuable time on solving business problems, and not on doing a lot of administrative work that could be done by a software.

The success factors of the Data Analytics Academy:

  • Increased data literacy across the client workforce,

  • Change in mindset and behavior,

  • Guided application,
  • Citizen-led innovation and transformation,

  • Sustainable digital skills and capabilities,
  • Concrete business outcomes,
  • Compelling and engaging experience, driving emotional commitment and personal investment.

The following topics are included in the module: 

  • Digital transformation and data,

  • Theory of data types, scales, storing, structuring, transformation and personal data,

  • Data classification, preparation, vizualization, filtering,

Data-driven decision making and storytelling.


Language: English

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Cybersecurity for Corporates

Today’s companies face a vast array of cyber risks — both known and unexpected. Some risks turn into crises that have significant implications for operations or even a company’s future. Given this setting, it’s a challenge for companies to get comfortable with addressing cyber threats appropriately — but it’s a critical responsibility. The aim of this course is to create awareness about the most significant cyber risks that can affect either the company or its customers. It also explains the role of the leadership in crisis management and cyber security.

The following topics are covered in the module:

  • The changing landscape of cybersecurity oversight, 

  • Cyber incidents involving different industries, 

  • Cybersecurity threats involving customers:

    • Malware,
    • Phishing,
    • Web application attack,
    • DDos,
    • Data breach,
    • Insider threat,
    • Botnet,
  • Companies' role in managing crisis, and effective ways to oversee the process, 

  • It also includes insights on how corporations can most effectively discharge their responsibilities when a crisis strikes.

Language: English

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Cybersecurity for Banks

Today’s companies face a vast array of cyber risks — both known and unexpected. Some risks turn into crises that have significant implications for operations or even a company’s future. Given this setting, it’s a challenge for companies to get comfortable with addressing cyber threats appropriately — but it’s a critical responsibility. Leadership frequently delegates elements of risk oversight to committees — most commonly to the audit committee. But ultimately the responsibility for cyber risk oversight resides with the full Leadership, and each manager should understand the key threats facing the company.

The following topics are covered by the module: 

  • The changing landscape of cybersecurity oversight, 

  • Cyber incidents involving financial institutions, 

  • Cybersecurity threats involving customers:

    • ATM Malware,

    • Financial trojan,

    • Mobile banking malware,

    • PoS Malware,

  • Management’s role in managing crisis, and effective ways to oversee the process, 

  • Insights on how leadership can most effectively discharge their responsibilities when a crisis strikes.

Language: English

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Module 1: Introduction to ESG

The following topics are covered in the module:

  • Definition of ESG,

  • Global trends,

  • Global practice standards,

  • ESG disclosure in the financial sector,

  • ESG ratings.

Language: English

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Module 2: Net zero

The following topics are covered in the module:

  • The climate challenge,

  • Understanding net zero,

  • Start your net zero journey,

  • Steps and lessons to net zero activities,

  • Key takeaways.

Language: English

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Module 3: Change management and corporate culture

The following topics are covered in the module:

  • Why managing change is important?

  • What tools can be used for a successful transformation?

  • What are the essentials of corporate culture?

Language: English

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Module 4: Sustainable finance

The following topics are covered in the module:

  • Sustainable Finance overview,

  • ESG regulations for the Financial Institutions,

  • ESG Risks for Financial Institutions,

  • ESG reporting.

Language: English

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Module 5: Corporate social responsibility
  • The following topics are covered in the module:
  • EU classification system,
  • Indicators,
  • Stakeholder analysis,
  • Important topics of sustainability in your company (materiality assessment),
  • Report preparation.

Language: English

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Module 6: International Diversity management

The following topics are covered in the module:

  • What do we mean if we talk about diversity?

  • What does an inclusive workplace look like?

  • What value can diversity bring to an organisation?

  • How to build a diversity strategy?

  • Inclusive leadership.

Language: English

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Anna Tubert

Anna Tubert

Business Developer, PwC Academy, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 731 431 337

Michal Vychodil

Michal Vychodil

Head of PwC Academy, PwC Czech Republic

Tel: +420 602 589 530

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